Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Voice of the Silent Warrior

I promise this will be one if not the only post I make that is not extremely lighthearted or sarcastic but due to recent circumstances I feel I need to share my thoughts...

With all of the commotion and voices, shouting hysteria, I want to speak of one group who in all humility approaches the battle as "Silent Warriors". This group is as the beggar, longing for want of food, as others around them who have plenty are mockingly casting it to the ground as waste. (Think back to the Hunger Games scene in which Katniss is out in the storm and Peeta comes outside with bread looking at her in her state of hunger and is told to throws it to the pigs.) I speak with moral authority on this topic because for a time I was one of these very beggars.... fighting our battle in silence.

The battle that I am referencing is the God given power of pro-creation. All people everywhere long to create, whether it be with wood and nails or with code and digits. Plain and simple we get satisfaction and confidence from improvement and accomplishments. On the flip side, we lose hope and confidence from being blasphemed or put down for our weaknesses.

Now back to my point I am trying to make...We knew that by our own efforts we would not be able to have children and so I have always viewed the act of aborting a pregnancy as a travesty. A solemn mockery to all people struggling with infertility, the one thing in life that we long so bad to have others were disgracing and disposing of. This disgrace has created riots and outrage by these "Silent Warriors"... oh wait it actually has not... but rather temperance. They have taken a different and may I add more admirable approach to fighting against this injustice. They have turned away from the popularity of society and "fighting the man" to seeking comfort from family and counsel from above. You see they have fought with their faith and not with their mouths. These "Silent Warriors" are those who are desperately trying every facet of medical innovation to have just one baby. These "Silent Warriors" are also those who are forking out thousands of dollars to adopt the children who are lucky enough to be born but in need of loving parents. The "Silent Warrior" is one whose voice matters but will remain silent and faithful as societal attention is given to frivolity and distractions.

For years I was a proud member of these "Silent Warriors" who would watch as people fought to abort the one thing that my wife and I truly desired. I often thought, "How could someone be prideful enough to destroy something they created when so many others would be ecstatic to have that opportunity?". Now being a father who has experienced the joy of holding the precious creations that my wife and I impatiently made; the perplexity of that question is multiplied a hundredfold. I have been truly blessed that we have overcome our infertility struggles and through IVF we have welcomed 2 little girls into the world. There are thousands of "Silent Warriors" out there who are fighting the real battles of life and desire no fanfare. So as you see the arguing in the streets and on TV I want you to think for yourself... Which side am I on and how should I respond to battles of life because aren't we all beggars? No matter the circumstance, choose to be a "Silent Warrior" and leave the headlines and tabloids to the distractors. The true choice is in how you act and the perspective you take, not in the way you are being acted upon. So the next time you are Peeta and you are in a world of segregation fighting "The Capital", choose to act and feed Katniss rather than be acted upon and "cast your pearls (bread) at swines"!

-Josh Soffe

*In circumstances such as rape, incest, and mother's health risk I understand the need for abortion.

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