Friday, August 3, 2018

Daddy+Daughter = Alright, Alright, Alright

One of the best things about watching your kids grow up is being able to see yourself in them. When I say "seeing yourself in your kids" I don't mean it like the creepy Matthew Mcconaughey/Kate Hudson way in "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". Although I must say they do set the bar high...

Image result for kate hudson matthew mcconaughey kids from how to lose a guy in 10 days

What I am talking about is when you realize... "You must have got all of your mom's genes but occasionally you borrow your dads jean shorts!". (As a side note I do not own any jean shorts but Kylie did make me thrown away my Jncos.) Whether it be Baby A inheriting your extremely overactive sweat glands making her look like she just took a dip with Shamu or Baby B throwing her food on the floor like she is middle reliever for the New York Yankees!!
Well over the last few months I have realized that Baby B, aka Hallee, and I have developed a similar interest in entertainment. This interest is best explained by following the old adage of "A picture paints a thousands words" as shown by my FB page...

Not sure if I should be proud or disappointed but I do know that we will both be "Alright, Alright, Alright"!! That is correct, we both love Matthew Mcconaughey but in very different ways. (I have confidently displayed Matthew Mcconaughey on FB ever since April 1st of 2014 when my wife put an opened shirt picture of a Nicholas Cage as my wallpaper. After regretfully seeing "Ghost Rider" I just could not stand for that!!!)

You might know Matthew for possibly living in his parents house for way too long, trying to get a woman to fall in love with him in 10 days, or even traveling through a wormhole in space to ensure the survival of humanity. Regardless of the what comes to mind, in our family Matthew Mcconaughey represents 2 things:

  1. Buster Moon from Sing: An eccentric Koala who never pays the lease on his theater but has a wealthy friend and a community of musically talented animals.
  2. Matthew Mcconaughey from Lincoln Motor Company: A suave gentleman with some of the best one liners and awkward silences that TV has ever seen. 

Nearly every day Hallee wakes up runs to our remotes and in her reformed Russian demands that we watch Sing. If you have not seen Sing and have kids I highly recommend investing in the movie as Buster Moon and his gang morph Hallee from an emotional roller-coaster to a kid on a jet ski. I dare you to find me a mad kid on a jet it, it is not possible!!

Little does Hallee know that when she goes to bed every so often dad pulls up YouTube and watches all of the Matthew Mcconaughey Lincoln commercials. If you have not done this I recommend watching them in this order
Watch the attached videos and try not to move Matthew Mcconaughey up 17 notches on your list of coolest actors/celebrity endorsers!! He is a linguistic genius light years ahead of his time and I will forever be indebted for the one liners his commercials have given society!

Philo T Farnsworth himself would reinvent the TV just so we could experience these gems over and over and over again....

No matter what happens in life just remember that in a Lincoln everything will be "Alright, Alright, Alright!!"

-Josh Soffe

Monday, January 22, 2018

Heroes Get Remembered Timberlake Never Dies!!

Whether you loved them or loathed them it can't be denied that the greatest thing to ever happen in the 90's was the Fab 5!! You may be thinking of the "Maize and Blue" with C-Web, Jalen Rose, and Juwan Howard, a team who was truly in sync. (If you don't know those names do yourself a favor and Google them!)

Forget those guys because I am talking about a team that was the definition of N'Sync, this I promise you there are no strings attached and they aint no space cowboys (Except for maybe Lance that one time he wanted to go to Mars). No need for last names ladies and gents they were simply know as Justin... JC... Lance... Joey... and Chris tearin' up hearts and bringin da' noise since 1995. Never again has anyone been able to sport bleached hair with a perm and not have flashbacks of Justin Timberlake jumping around in XL cargo pants and combat boots. (Try getting that image out of your head!!)

Image result for Nsync dancing

Flash forward 20 years and not much has changed in my house... I still wear Jynco shorts (against my wife's wishes) and when it comes to our favorite choice in music Justin Timberlake himself would say, "It's gonna be me!". Only this time around it isn't me listening to N'sync, while choreographing my own dance moves watching "The Box". We leave the dance moves up to our girls Piper and Hallee, although I will say their choreography looks awfully similar to mine.

Since birth there has been one thing that will immediately stop crying no matter the situation, when the beat drops the girls just "Can't Stop The Feeling!". This song, made famous by Trolls, has been watched on YouTube over 702 Million times with 300 of those coming from our house. I have seen the music video so many times I have actually contemplated reaching out to Galen and Dennis to invite them to family parties because they have been in our home so often.

Nevertheless we have once again grown to love Justin Timberlake for gracing us with "Can't Stop The Feeling!" because it stops the crying and gets the babies going. Once the intro gets going the legs and arms start a pumping with all the coordination of a 12 month old. There is no better way to express the girls love for this song and music video than to show off the moves themselves. So without further ado I bring to you the dance moves of the Soffe girls...

Like all good boy bands this post must come to an end. So until next time Bye, Bye, Bye! And I think we can all agree when we say, thank you Justin for giving us years of musical gold and for dropping the bleached hair and denim.

-Josh Soffe